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Baxter Python 3

Interface to code Baxter in Python 3



Execute the recorder in the baxter-python3 interface folder.

(In the Baxter’s lab external computer is inside Desktop/catkin_ws/src, I suggest to do it from this pc, cause you can just visualize immediately and copy the recordings files without ssh)

(If you ssh in the internal robot computer, it’s inside igor folder, remember to activate a ros environment before, es source ~/alper_workspace/ )

The options:

python --help

You can specify the arm, recording rate, recordings name, and if you want also the joint-space recorded.

Files will be saved in current directory unless otherwise specified.


Execute the visualizer inside the same baxter-python3 interface folder.

(In the Baxter’s lab external computer is inside the same folder Desktop/catkin_ws/src)

(If you ssh in the internal robot computer, you can’t visualize there the trajectories, once copied them in your pc, use the script from there)

It will show all cartesian trajectories.



Execute the playback inside the same baxter-python3 interface folder.

(In the Baxter’s lab external computer is inside the same folder Desktop/catkin_ws/src)

(If you ssh in the internal robot computer, it’s inside igor folder, remember to activate a ros environment before, es source ~/alper_workspace/ )

python --help